This morning Heidi got out two games to teach Joseph and Peter. In the picture above Joseph is playing the pattern game. They also played a game that uses a balance shaped like a monkey to teach relative values of numbers.
During that time I worked on a CPE class about personal budgeting. I learned that you need to remember that joint bank accounts go to the other person on the account when you die even if your will says otherwise.
Today at Preschool Joseph learned about the letter M. Connie Lowis, his teacher, reports that his letter recognition has improved significantly. I told her that Peter's interest has encouraged him to get serious about learning.
Next it was Heidi's turn. She spent several hours working on her online tax class.
This evening David went to an etiquette themed mutual. He was very nervous because he did not know what to expect. He reported that "it was awful, except for the dancing at the end". They learned the chicken dance and a couple other silly ones. We're proud of David's willingness to overcome his fears and try new things.
Family living D&C 130:18&19 very impressive