November 23, 2016

11/20/16 Making Things Up As We Go Along

This afternoon I looked out the window and saw Sarah, TJ, Joseph and Peter playing a game they'd made up. I didn't ask them the rules but it involved rolling hula hoops and going backwards up the slide. You could tell they were having a good time.
It made me think about how often in life we need to improvise. Today Heidi was asked to teach in Primary on relatively short notice. I was asked to help set up a projector for Sunday school. Usually I like to have at least a half hour for things like that. Since Sunday School is in the chapel immediately following Sacrament Meeting I had 5 minutes. I did what I could before Sacrament, gathering gear and partially setting up on a cart, but it still made me nervous. This was a laptop and projector I'd never used with zero chance to test before it would be expected to work. Happily it did work, the teacher's PowerPoint looked fine. He ran out of time for the video he wanted to play so I still don't know if sound would've worked right. Oh well, more fun for next time.

1 comment:

  1. Children's imagination is a priceless quality. Your children demonstrate that quality in addition to showing love for each other
