November 7, 2016

11/6/16 Creative Boys

     This afternoon TJ asked me if he could use some empty boxes from the garage to make something. He and Joseph collaborated and made a person from the boxes. He asked me to come upstairs and see it. I was in the middle of something so I asked him to remind me in a minute. He patiently waited before asking if it had been a minute yet. I am happy to see the two boys using their imaginations. 
         I should mention a tragedy that happened yesterday in our ward. Sensitive readers may want to skip this part. A four year old boy climbed out a window while his dad was taking a nap. He fell into a mostly drained pool and drowned. I don't know the family well but we share our back fence. The family and many ward members are understandably broken up about the loss. I try not to think that Joseph is the same age. A girl who lives across he street from the family bore her testimony today that she knew he was in Heaven. At the point I couldn't help silently tearing up. Heidi told me later that she thought I was "ugly crying". Thank Heaven for eternal families. Even so we, and the whole ward, are praying for them. I can't imagine what a tough time they must be having. 

1 comment:

  1. I have a photo of Nana as a young wife posing with Auntie Pat as a baby and a beautiful 3 yr old, James Houston Baker, my brother, your uncle who passed away at that age from encephalitis. Childhood deaths are very tragic. The pain only softened by knowledge of gospel
