September 1, 2017

8/31/17 Positive Attitude

     Today I worked at having a more positive attitude. Heidi went to Humanitarian with Peter. I stayed home in case Gram needed anything. Heidi and I made some progress on a report for one of our clients. I also picked up the girls at the bus stop and later took Peter on a milk/fruit run.
     There are many things to be grateful for. One of them is that Joseph had a great day at school today. Heidi went in to help in his class. Joseph was the only one who completely finished his assignment and he was well behaved. I am hopeful that this will mark a turning point for him. He already seems to be dreading school less. Hopefully he can learn to enjoy school and look forward to it.
      I am nervous about calling people both to sell things and when customers appear to have concerns. This is not good. Business owners need to be comfortable talking to people. Heidi says that I am an "Extroverted introvert". She says that means that I like interacting with people but that it wears me out. There may be something to that. I enjoyed giving my talk on Sunday but I felt worn out afterwards. The trading game was intended as a confidence builder. When my expectation didn't meet the reality of my first couple of trades it wore me out. I think that simply deciding to have a positive attitude is important. It will be hard to succeed without telling myself that it will happen. Still, I remember past efforts and Jacob chapter 5 from the Book of Mormon. Jacob 5 talks about taking away only the most bitter fruit at first lest the tree be overwhelmed. Then gradually all the bitter fruit is removed leaving the sweet. I need to be grateful that we have a loving home. There has been a lot of crying about it but the homework does appear to be getting done. The living room is a mess but we did wash the dishes. So celebrate the small victories.  Recognize that it's OK that we are not perfect. Things have gotten better and, as long as we keep at it, they will get even better.

1 comment:

  1. A lot to think about in this post. Being "positive" can be elusive. One element of being positive is perspective. Thinking about the poor folks in Houston right now for instance helps us to put our struggles into perspective. You do have a loving family and you and Heidi have worked to put yourselves into very favorable circumstance. And you are living the Gospel. So chin up
