September 25, 2017

9/25/17 Conference Questions

For the past couple of General Conferences we have started a tradition to write down questions during the Family Home Evening prior that we hope will be answered during conference. Then as we watch we write down the answers that we hear. So far it has helped us pay better attention. It has been surprising how many, and how specific the answers we have received. Here is our list of questions (so far) this year:

How can we balance our time? (Sarah)

How can we have less stress? (Ganon/Rebecca)

How can we strengthen family relationships?  (Heidi/David)

How can we involve older people in Gospel activities? (Gram)

How is the church helping people in the natural disasters? (Papa)

How can we be better missionaries? (Becca B)

How can we become better friends? (TJ)

What are some ways we can avoid problems in media? (David)

How can we think of good questions? (Joseph)

How can I share my testimony with my friends? (Rebecca)

Pleeeeeeeeease? (Peter requesting a candy)

I also want to mention that, although Rebecca has experienced much stress so far this year, her current lowest class grade is a 96%. Heidi checked the online grade app today. I am proud of all of our kids for being hard workers. Good grades don't happen by accident.

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