September 3, 2017

9/2/17 Restful Saturday?

Next weekend is heavily booked so I was looking forward to a quiet Saturday today. I made pancakes, like usual. Then we did swim time. Heidi and I spent a couple of hours working in the yard. Next we bought most of a month's worth of food.

Now that the laundry room is  more pleasant Heidi and I set up the food storage shelves. It feels like we've had them forever but have't been able to use them. It feels so good to finally have them set up.
Next, Heidi and I peeled and cut up 7 pounds of potatoes for dinner. We finished watching the 1976 Superman movie. Heidi couldn't remember ever seeing it. I love that Superman stands for things like being honest. When do you hear things like that from super hero movies these days?

This evening our friends the Hallsteds came over for a swim. Well, Jessica and Heidi and the kids swam. Michael didn't want to swim so I sat out and visited with him. We  talked about Hawaii and old mission stories. It was a fun time.
So, in the end, not the quiet day I expected but it was a good one nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. "ShelfReliance" system is a great addition to our generous sized pantry. Good step in the getting settled in new casa process
