This morning it was time to change the oil in the van. At first I forgot how messy it can be and got splattered with oil. Luckily it got on my arms and face but missed my BYU t-shirt.
After changing we realized that our filter wrench was not the right size for the filter we had to take off the van. Since we had already drained the oil it meant that it was time to walk to the auto parts store. Luckily it is just around the corner.
Armed with the proper tool we were able to complete the job. We also got a load of laundry washed and on the line to dry.
Today was my first chance to try out the time management technique that we learned in class last night. It has 5 steps but basically it involves making a list of things to do and people to serve. Next you pray about it and promise to do your best. Then you number the list so that 1 is the most important thing 2 the second etc. Then you do then list starting with number 1. At the end of the day you are supposed to pray again and report back to Heavenly Father. It was a busy day including work, Activity Days for Sarah and helping David pass out a new set of flyers for his Eagle project. We checked everything off of our short list. It felt very good, although very busy. Tomorrow we will try it again.
The upside of taking longer than usual to put the new filter on, it allowed the last bit of sludge to drain out of the case. I once was given the tip to let the oil drain overnight