First thing this morning, Papa and I went to the Temple. We did the endowments for two brothers. They are two of the sons of Martin Connelly which makes them Great Uncles to me. We went early because Heidi and I had a 10 am meeting with a potential new client. David took the important job of entertaining Peter during the two hour meeting. Thanks in part to his efforts the meeting went well and we will be doing some work for them.
In the afternoon Joseph and Peter came and found me. They were playing a game the involved defending the house from a family of giant marshmallow people and needed my help. I'm not sure how much help I was but I had fun spending time with them.
Here is Peter going up the slide. For our kids the challenge of going up the slide appears to be more fun than sliding down.
This evening we took some time to have fun as a family. We played several games of ping pong. One round where Heidi and David played Rebecca and Ganon went especially well. The kids are getting noticably better. Heidi and David also played on the RetroPie. Heidi beat the game Super Mario Brothers. She is much better at it than Ganon is but David may be the family video game champ. It was fun spending time doing things together.
The temple session was especially significant. For many years my Connelly line search stalled at Martin, my grandfather's (John James Connelly) father. Then this year we found him his wife and several children besides John. Today we did the work for Richard and Bernard, two of my Great Uncles (making them G's Great Great Uncles)