This morning Heidi helped out by taking apart a couple of sticky doorknobs and adding graphite. Peter was feeling extremely fussy so I took him for a walk down to the park. He later made my day by spontaneously telling his mother "Daddy cheered me up at the park".
I've started a little experiment. We already track our work time so that we know how to properly bill our clients. I decided that for a time I wanted to measure my non-work time and see if any patterns emerged. The first thing that I noticed is that when I consciously think about what I am doing in order to write it down I am more particular about what I choose to do. I don't wish to waste time but sometimes I do without thinking about it. The other thing that I noticed about myself is that sometimes I hit a slow patch during a day where it becomes hard to get anything done. I tend to feel discouraged by this. Today, however, because I have a more careful record I can see that I did still do some important things.
This evening I went over to the Stake Center for a training on how to be a facilitator for the Self-Reliance group that I will be leading soon. They talked at length about how this is different than being the teacher. I am simply meant to keep the conversation flowing and on schedule. My role is to guide the creation of a safe environment for group members to work together. It sounds very interesting. I look forward to getting started.
Decoding Peter is high priority. His comment is big news