We decided that we liked Pioneer Park well enough to visit again and invite friends. Here are Rebecca and Sarah. Unfortunately, coordination fell through and only two friends were able to go with us. Two more were going to meet us there. Unfortunately, again there were so many people at the park that we never found the other friends.
Here are Joseph and Peter on the slide. They are good buddies. Peter has started referring to his siblings as his friends. If the other kids go outside he'll say "where did my friends go?" We love seeing that our children are close to each other.
TJ and Joseph race down the parallel slides.
Joseph waved his hat as he slid down.
This is the tallest slide in the park and there was a long line to ride it today.
If you squint you may be able to make out Rebecca and Sarah waiting in the long line to the top.
Here Joseph is playing with his good friend Colby. The day of the Kindergarten Christmas party I spotted Colby walking around the room with a trash bag cleaning up for his classmates. As far as I could tell no one asked him to do that. I'm glad that Joseph has a good helper as a friend.
After a while, we grew tired of constantly losing and finding each other in the massive crowd. We took our frisbee and took it out into the open field. You can see the Temple across the street. David had fun with his friend Rushton Shirts. That enjoyed riding their scooters around the many paths.
On the whole, we had a good time. We will think twice next time about going when so many people are there. Maybe we should have a backup plan ahead of time.
Excellent pics of this great park. You are wise parents to include playing and fun times for your keikis