Peter loves the outdoors. Even when he is Very Upset, being outside can usually cheer him right up. This afternoon he requested a trip to the park. We'd had a productive work morning so I acquiesced.
He's loving the Superman shirt with the cape that he got for Christmas.
He wanted me to spin him around and around so that he could watch the cape fly out.
A couple of other fun things today included playing ping pong with David and Heidi vs me and Peter. Heidi and David won but we gave it our best shot. David left for a cold weather campout with the scouts this afternoon. This will be the last campout that he needs to earn his final merit badge before he can become an Eagle Scout. We are proud of all the hard work he has put it. Also fun this evening was watching an episode of the show Due South with Gram in Papa's living room.
Looking forward to David's report on his cold weather campout. We know it was freezing, windy for those boys in tents