November 2, 2016

11/1/16 Temple and Grocery Trip

     This morning I got to go to the Temple. I reflected on a pattern I noticed in how Heavenly Father does his work. He first makes a plan, then makes assignments (delegation), the work gets done, return and report. It seems like there are some lessons here that I can apply to my life. 
      Heidi and I have been working together to refine our grocery system. Today we set a goal to buy most of our nonperishable food for the month. By the time we made it to the grocery store Peter had fallen asleep. I offered to wait with him but Heidi had a better idea. She found some soft things in the van and made a bed for Peter in a cart. I wish I'd thought to take a picture. He slept through most of the trip through the store and was happy when he woke up. He even fell back asleep on the way home. 
      This evening Heidi had a leadership training meeting for Primary leaders. She was in charge of training Primary leaders with cub scouting responsibilities. There is a lot for those leaders to learn. I'm proud of how Heidi has worked hard to know her stuff and of her love of service to share her skills. 

1 comment:

  1. Heavenly Fathers pattern--good food for thought--excellent model for us to emulate
