November 7, 2016

11/7/16 FHE on the Sabbath

     Today was pretty quiet so I'll mention our Family Home Evening lesson. We watched an Elder Holland video comparing keeping the Sabbath day holy to the Star of David. As one triangle constricts the other opens up. He notes that as we focus on spiritual things, restricting somewhat our activities, we open ourselves up increasingly to spiritual experiences. We read a scripture in Isiah 38 that refers to the Sabbath as a "delight".  We talked about how some movies have a clear gospel theme like Prince of Egypt about Moses and the exodus. Others may not be as overt but still have a wholesome message. Still others might be fun but clearly don't fit with Sunday worship. We talked about trying to show Heavenly Father that Sunday is a special day by focusing on activities that clearly show that we are thinking of Him. It was a good discussion. All the kids down to Joseph had good ideas to share. Joseph suggested we could pray to see if a movie was good to watch on Sunday. We've got fun kids. 

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