December 11, 2017

12/10/17 North Stake Conference

This morning I went to the Inter-Stake Center. The cameras were still, mostly, flicker free. I said more than one prayer to myself as we got the overflow rooms and other things set up. About 40 minutes before the conference started the switcher computer started acting up. We restarted only to realize that it wanted to install Windows 10. Thank goodness we had a backup computer. Three hours later the update was still nowhere close to being done.
During the conference, we used the reverse camera angle to get shots of the crowd during the sustaining of officers and congregational hymns. During the closing speaker's talk, I noticed that the camera was pointed off in the corner. I felt like I should bring it back and frame a nice shot of the congregation. Just as I did so the speaker asked those with Pioneer ancestors to stand. Because I listened, we were ready to show people standing up. It was a very small thing but it made me feel that Heavenly Father was aware of us and that we were doing what He wanted us to be doing.

We got cleaned up in time for me to meet the kids and Heidi as they arrived at church. It always makes me feel great, as a dad, when my kids come running to greet me.

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