December 13, 2017

12/13/17 Haircut, Math and Silly Boys

Today I got to visit with my favorite hair stylist.

Joseph completed the practice level of all the skills in the Kindergarten level of Khan Academy. He still needs to complete them at the Mastery level but he is making great progress.

For Cubs, Heidi took the boys to the Library to take a class in bike safety. As an incentive, all the boys who came were given a bike helmet. Sarah got to go too. This was because Rebecca needed to take her placement test at Heritage. There wasn't time to bring Sarah home before Cub Scouts started. Rebecca reports that the test was "easy, it felt like mostly 5th grader stuff". We won't know for a couple of weeks how she did.

Joseph named this sticky eye "Google".

What looks like bruises is actually chalk that the boys found and colored on themselves with. Although Peter does now have a bruise from knocking over a chair he was standing up in. These boys keep life exciting.

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