December 23, 2017

12/23/17 Christmas Adam

Today we went to a new park that just opened up across the street from the Mesa Temple. It's called the Pioneer Park and the kids loved it!

This train has been here since people my age were little but it has been fenced off. Now the kids can play on it.

Gram, Papa and Becca B braved the cold 40 degree temps and joined us in our exploration.

The kids loved this conveyor belt style slide. Here are TJ and David.

Joseph taking his turn.

Sarah and Rebecca, sisters staying together.

TJ Practicing meditation.

The park even has a splash pad. This will be more fun once it warms up in the Spring. For now the kids had fun pretending to control the water with their minds.

David made this hot air balloon at school. Here his is filling it up with our blow dryer.

The kids have started their own fun tradition. When someone brings home a bag of small candies, say m&ms they count them on the table and divide them up to share. We are lucky to have such loving, thoughtful children.

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