March 23, 2018

3/11/18 David Eagle Board of Review

Sarah made this yummy lemon bar treat for us to share.

Tonight David passed his board of review! In the middle is Sister Postert. She is a wonderful force in the ward, encouraging boys to finish the final steps and become Eagles.

Papa is also a grand help. He and Becca B gave David a ride to his board of review so that Heidi and I could attend our Self Reliance meeting.

I'll admit that I teared up a bit when I learned that David has finished his Eagle. We are so proud of him.


  1. Super fun this 13year old is completing his Eagle. His Dad (and Uncle Jon) got theirs as "the clock was striking midnight"

  2. James is so close to his, he finished his project a year and a half ago. He was going to get his Eagle while 16 but now we are down to 6 months left. He finished the project paperwork. He needs 2 hikes and to complete the final steps for his Personal Management merit badges and he has his Eagle!I hope he can make it. Anyone up for a 15-mile one-day hike or a 20-mile one-day hike?

  3. Congrats David on yours, it will be great to get all our Eagles together in the Eagles Nest at one of these events. Ben got his with his 2 best friends.
