March 11, 2018

3/6/18 Pool Slide and a Happy Traveler

Our new home owner's policy does not include the pool slide. It would cost about $100 per month to keep it so we have to take it out.

Heidi and I removed the nut that held the slide in place. Some were pretty rusty.

Then we used our Dremel tool to remove the bolts in the concrete.

This evening, late, Rebecca began a multi-day adventure. She is going on a school trip to California. They will be learning about Oceanography.

She gets to travel with two of her best friends, Chrissy and Missy. Heidi and I are also happy that Chrissy and Missy's mom Bobby is traveling as their chaperone. we are glad that someone we trust is with them.

This is the bus they are riding on. The girls were so excited that they were literally dancing with excitement. I stayed and waved goodbye as the buses pulled out a little after 10:30 PM. They will attempt to sleep on the bus and begin their first activity as soon as they arrive.

1 comment:

  1. Mixed feelings about pool slide. It's fun but apparently deemed dangerous by insurance folks
