David had a busy day today. In addition to going to church with us he also had a scouting board of review. He has now officially earned his 2nd and 1st Class ranks. He also finished up the last little bit of his Movie Making merit badge with me. Then this evening we had Lincoln Phelps and the Merit badge counselor, Brother Lambert over. Together they finished up the Citizenship in the Community merit badge. So two ranks and two merit badges in one day. Well done David.
Also today Heidi and I got to sub in TJ's primary class. They are an adorable bunch. The lesson was on saying thank you. We had the 5 and 6 year olds make thank you notes. Most of them made them for their parents. If I were writing a thank you note to my parents today I would thank them for supporting me in earning my Eagle. There were many meetings, classes and campouts they kindly took me to. Not to mention regular encouragement. Becoming an Eagle is hard. Thanks Mom and Dad. I wouldn't have made it without you.
Congratulations David! We are proud of you! We understand you are planning to get your Eagle early, not waiting until until the last minute like some scouts we have known. Ganon we are proud of you too. You are welcome for your nice thank you note. You will always be invited into the "Eagles' Nest". And none of us will ever forget your epic Eagle project.