July 19, 2016

7/19/16 Sarah Quilt Progress

     Today Sarah and her mother made progress on Sarah's quilt project. As you may be able to tell from the picture above all of the squares have now been sewn together. Peter loves sewing projects. Anytime Heidi has laid anything out on the ground to work on it he feels he must run across it. I'm told there remain some minor finishing tasks so the quilt is not 100% yet but this represents good progress. We'll keep you posted as the project nears completion. 
      Aside from this project Heidi and I got some work done for Valiant Accounting. David had class 2 for the first aid merit badge. Brother Jim Nelson does a great job of really teaching the boys. No rubber stamp on this one and all the better. The boys need to know this stuff in case they ever do run across someone who needs first aid help. 

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