Today Rebecca is 10 years old. It's amazing to me how fast time has flown. It seems like only yesterday she was a little baby in our arms. She has grown to be a super helper, kind, funny and a voracious reader. She already finished two books that we brought home from just today.
Rebecca was excited to open a card from Gram and Papa Connelly. It was a fun light up and play music Dory card. Peter wanted her to play it over and over he was so entranced by it. Rebecca is very grateful for the thoughtful gift. The official party is tomorrow so she'll get her other gifts then.
Next up it was time to head to 430. The first thing we noticed was the all the palm trees got a haircut.
While the water flowed we went to Lowes to price out a possible DIY project. One of the store employees pointed out this family of owls that lives in the plant and garden section. See if you can see one of the babies in the above shot. It is the size of one of those decoys used to scare off birds. It's a large bird at least a foot tall just sitting there trying to take a nap. It looked a little cross that we were making noise so we got along with our shopping.
After we turned off the water we headed over to Costco for a special birthday lunch. We even got some dessert. Not a common thing for us.
This evening we took Valentine on a walk to the park. The Hallsted kids joined is along with their Mom. She kindly shared some otter pops with us to celebrate the day. We're glad we get to have Rebecca in our family.
Dear Rebecca, Happy double digit birthday🎂 We're glad our card reached you (and it made Peter happy.)We 💖 you.