July 8, 2016

7/7/16 Humanitarian Service

     This morning we went to the Stake Humanitarian service project. Heidi took her post prepping materials to make baby blankets. The older kids tied fleece blankets and stuffed cloth toy balls. I went over to the Val Vista clerk's office to try to sort out a printer problem. My new key is finiky and I first had to pray just to get in. After several attempts the key turned and I was in. There were multiple issues to work through. At one point I was prompted to check the settings on the identical printer in the FHC room. To my surprise the test pages I'd been trying to print had printed in there. That lead me to some other ideas to try. With Heaven's help I was able to get it working. I could not have fixed without divine guidance. 
     This morning and evening we fed the chickens. Above you see TJ, Joseph and Peter peeking into the coup. 

1 comment:

  1. Family following King Benjamin's counsel on service. Good job. We too believe in the blessings of Answered prayers
