This morning Ben played for us on the piano.
The West Valley Connellys had to eat and get on the road in order to get home at a reasonable hour.
Aunt Cathy gave these two cute hats to Rebecca and Sarah.
Our driveway is big enough that Cathy was able to do a three point turn and leave driving forward. We've enjoyed the visit. We only wish it could've been longer.
Next up we had the special privilege of attending the Tucson Temple dedication broadcast at our Stake Center. This was the first one that Sarah was old enough to attend. Heidi went back with me after the third session to help put away the projectors and things. She is such a big helper.
Hearing Grandson Benjamin playing the piano was just part of the treat of having the West Valley clan swoop in and out for an unusual visit. Gramma especially appreciated a blessing given to her by her two sons and two of her grandsons.