August 11, 2017

8/9/17 First Day of School!

Today the kids started the new school year. David is in 8th grade at Heritage. Rebecca and Sarah are at Mesa Academy. TJ and Joseph are at Franklin. Heidi and I are a bit frazzled. Peter is not sure what to make of losing his buddy Joseph to school.

Rebecca and Sarah ride the bus from near the Stake Center.  TJ and Joseph catch a bus from right across the street. David rides with the Hall family car pool.

We used our house warming gift card from the Alcantars to buy a replacement pool vacuum and a couple of LED light bulbs for the kitchen.

The kids all managed to find the right buses and rides to make it home again. We were a little worried but it all worked out.

Heidi and I helped out with Cub Scouts this afternoon. The Wolves and Bears were combined and they were hyperactive in the extreme. Luckily we expected that and planned activities that involved having them run around.
The other bit of craziness involved picking up the girls from their bus stop and getting them to Activity Days. At first I dropped Sarah at Rebecca's leader's house. Luckily we forgot Sarah's supplies at home so I went right back and we got her to the right place. David had mutual combined with the Young Women. They watched the cartoon Sing. I'm a little disappointed that they couldn't find something better like service our at least a get to know you something. Heidi tells me that our old ward didn't' even have mutual because it was the first day of school. I guess I should count my blessings. Heidi and I felt like our hair was on fire most of the day. How do people who don't run their own business handle these days?

1 comment:

  1. The first day of school was exciting and nervous. Wonderful photo memory of the five school children on this day. Heidi and Ganon did a great job preparing for this day and getting everyone to their three different schools
