August 5, 2017

8/3/17 Humanitarian and Focus at Work

This morning Heidi took the kids to Humanitarian. I did something that was very difficult for me but felt like the right thing. I called up our newest client and told them that we were not a good fit for them. The call went fine but it was rough for me. I really wanted things to work out. Part of me still wants the chance to see it through but I feel like Heavenly Father needs me to be able to focus elsewhere. So instead of spending all day doing bank reconciliations I went and visited with my database guy and got caught up on the last month. I'm not really sure why I feel prompted this way. Perhaps our other clients need more help right now. My hope is that by listening to promptings I will be open to more in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Listening to the whispering of the spirit is important but requires practice and being in tune with the spirit
