This morning Heidi dropped me off early at the Inter-Stake Center to help with the Mesa East Stake Conference. We got almost everything done setting up last night so it was pretty straight forward this morning. It gave me some time to learn more about how the switcher works and teach those who were interested a little about what the main TV crew positions are and what they do.
On the home front Joseph threw up in the night, Rebecca has a crazy runny nose and Heidi isn't feeling well. The three of them stayed home from church with Peter. Heidi dropped David, Sarah and TJ at church. Gram and Papa kindly gave them a ride home.
This evening we got a visit from Matt and Sharon. They brought Lucy and Alex along. Sharon, Heidi, David, Rebecca, Lucy and I played Phase 10 together. Matt played as a consultant to David. We had fun.
Our stake, and by extension, the Inter-Stake Center were inspired to call Ganon as Tech Specialist --because he IS. He is able to put to use the knowledge and skills that he has gathered over the years