Joseph didn't cry while waiting for the bus today. He was still nervous but Heidi reminded him that she would be visiting his class later in the day and that comforted him.
He showed Papa the picture he colored. Papa reported that Joseph said "Look at my blue birds! They were supposed to be chickens but I colored them blue."
Today is Papa's birthday. We celebrated by eating favorite chicken and rice together. Papa bought pie and shared it with us.
We had several takers for pumpkin and lemon meringue. Gram preferred the rhubarb pie.
Joseph's art story reminded me of my Ap 3,2015 blog "Joseph the Imperative" The then 3 year old brought me a golden leaf he picked up on the driveway. He put it my hand and looked me in the eye and said "This is a chip" I smiled and said "Well it certainly looks like a chip, doesn't it" I went on to teach him about leaves that dry up and fall from the tree. He didn't look away nor smile. He spoke again firmly and slowly "It's a chip!". As you see with his blue bird drawing. The teacher said they were chickens. But Joseph thought to himself "They are blue birds" and he colored them blue