December 11, 2015

12/10/15 A Little Dish Help

    I've heard Gram and Papa say that little ones want to be helpers. Here is Peter and Joseph attempting to be a help with the dishes. Gratefully no dishes were harmed in the production of this picture. Peter was entertained for quite a while. It freed Heidi to work on lunch, right nearby, without having to carry Peter. 
     Heidi and I spent a bunch of time working. 


  1. It's true. Little spirits have come here with willing hearts and hands. I remember one time when Gramma channeled toddler Michael's excess energy into happily helping her in the garden.

  2. Macy loved to help out. Even Carson asks if it's his day to clean to toilets

  3. Macy loved to help out. Even Carson asks if it's his day to clean to toilets
