December 15, 2015

12/15/15 Ten days 'til Christmas

     That's what TJ told me today. The picture is from a couple of weeks ago at the Riverview Park. He's about do go on the zip line. 
     Sarah and Rebecca started feeling better today. I did too. I didn't throw up but I didn't eat dinner either. Today no one threw up. That is a blessing. 
     Heidi's mom stopped by for a visit. Her car needed a repair and she took advantage of the time and spent it with Heidi and the rest of us. 
     We got some good work done. I moved the ball forward for a client. We ordered business cards and several other small projects. There seems to always be more to do than time. 
       We played the compliment game tonight. David did his homework without help, Rebecca helped with Peter so Heidi and I could work, Sarah was first to practice her instrument. TJ had a good attitude, Joseph helped pick up trash and Peter had many moments where he was happy today. Heidi made surprisingly yummy, to her, hash browns from scratch. The rest of us were not surprised. 

1 comment:

  1. Good health can be a fragile thing that we should guard vigilantly by eating nourishing food, getting regular exercise and adequate sleep each day
