April 4, 2017

4/2/17 General Conference Day 2

On Monday we wrote down some of our questions that we hoped to have answered at General Conference. Below are some of the notes that we wrote down. Peter had fun erasing the board when he got a chance so there may have been more. As you can see we didn't hear answers to all of our questions but we did hear answers to many. I also thinking that we did better listening overall because we listened with a purpose.

General Conference Questions
How do we know whether or not we should move? (Ganon) trust in God- Soares

How do I Help my children do better in school? (Heidi)
Be a light- have compassion
Be more diligent

What topic will Elder Bednar speak about?(Papa)
Missionary calls vs missionary mission assignment - Bednar

Should I go back out on my mission?(Ben)
Where you serve is second to the call to serve. - Bednar

My grandfather is married to 2 women who will he be with in eternity?(Gram)

Why should we ask Heavenly Father our questions? (Nate) Jesus listening can hear, you are unique irreplaceable- Holland

What do you do when a bully won't stop bullying you? (Sarah)
Follow the golden rule Renlund
Love our enemies the way we love our friends
Be kind, loving and charitable- Monson

How do you help with adversities in your life?
Seek a greater influence of Jesus Christ in your life
Sunshine in my Soul- Holland

Suggestions to help when family members are having struggles with living the gospel .(Papa)
Love God and keep the commandments
Follow Christ, see them as He sees them Eyring

What can the Holy Ghost help with?
Rasband talk -respond to first prompting. We will be on the Lord's errand
Elder Stevenson talk
Inspires, teaches, accompanies people who listen to the Lord

How can I better provide for my family? (Ganon)
Have goals and plans -Ballard
Seek first the Kingdom of God
Church leadership opportunities can help us be good leaders at work - Causse

After Conference Peter and Joseph and I walked down to the grassy field.

The boys love spending time outside.

Peter and Joseph think the chimney in the pavilion is a fun place to sit.

1 comment:

  1. It was a good conference, especially memorable for Pres Monson's brief and possibly final conference talks. We'll want to remember his counsel
