April 30, 2017

4/28/17 Lifting Gram's Health

This morning Heidi and I went to VDO to do some research. While we were there Gram spotted this flowering cactus. There are only a couple of days each year when these bloom so it was special to take a moment and notice them.
The topic of our research was on pool lift chairs. The VDO pool has a chair lift so we went there to try it out. Heidi helped Gram buckle in. I climbed in the water, thank goodness this pool is heated, and helped Gram unbuckle. Once in the water Gram was able to swim around and exercise her legs. The short answer is that this appears to be an effective way for Gram to get in and out of the pool. Next up is a question about whether we need a permanent installation or if one of the portable models will serve our needs. Papa has a friend in the pool business so he took the assignment to ask those questions.
This evening David went on a camp out in the Phelp's back yard. While he did that the rest of us went out to Grammie and Grandpa Mangum's house in San Tan. Heidi worked at soaking the ground so that tomorrow we can plant two trees.

1 comment:

  1. Gramma felt very cared for as you two encouraged and helped her do something her Orthopaedic Surgeon recommended. Mahalo for your continual spirit of service and love. She appreciated getting the photo of the blooming cactus
