July 3, 2016

7/3/16 What to Keep in the Life Raft

     Today I got to substitute teach in Rebecca's class. Greg Phelps was my co-teacher. As part of the lesson I brought several props. These included a towel (that we pretended was a life raft), a first aid kit, water, a walk or talkie and several other useful items. The kids were told the raft would sink unless all but 2 items were thrown overboard. It was fun to listen to he kids try to think through what they should keep and what to give up. They wanted to keep everything. In life it can be similarly difficult to decide the best thing to do with our limited time. 
     This evening Roger Hallsted kindly held a meeting to help 4 boys do part of their Citizenship in the Community merit badge. He was able to share some interesting insight into how the City thinks about the infrastructure issues involved in approving and new 18 story apartment building. It was very interesting. I'm so grateful that he shared his time that way. Anthony, Cameron Lowis and Lincoln Phelps came too. 

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for all Merit Badge counselors! Life raft exercise is good for everybody
