March 20, 2017

3/19/17 We All Make it to Church

This morning everyone was well enough to go to church. It feels like it's been a few weeks since we've all been able to go together. Between meetings and illnesses and travel it feels good to finally all be together during Sacrament meeting.
Before church we had our first try at having an Excutive Council (Heidi and me) followed by a Family Council (adding all the kids). David noted that Peter and Joseph didn't quite have the attention span for it. Still, for a first run, I thought it went very well. We were able to talk about some available time slots and what we want to do with them. We even got it written down.
This afternoon we got to try out our first plan. Rebecca and Sarah worked on a FHE lesson. David worked on the Communications Merit Badge. I home taught the Porters with Pierre. Heidi made dinner and gave encouragement and support to the kids. After dinner we played a couple of board games. Heidi and I even gave away some of our games that won't fit well in the game closet. Rebecca, Sarah and Peter came along. We loaded the stuff in the wagon and stroller and walked to the Hallsted's house. We had a nice visit with Michael and Amy. I think they will have some fun with those games.

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