March 31, 2017

3/29/17 A Few More Potatoes

This morning we were pleased to have Nate come and join us. He decided that he wanted to help us with Preschool for Joseph and Peter. Here he is helping them put together the giant alphabet puzzle.
Nate was a great help today. He went grocery shopping with us. He helped me peel potatoes for dinner. When we were done he even asked "what can I do next". There was a lot to do. We had 18 people over for dinner. Those included Gram, Papa, Becca B, Jon and Cathy and Ben, Aaron and Nate and two new missionaries. Their names are Elder Parsons and Elder Maughan. Heidi worked very hard preparing food for a very fun and special group. The Elders shared a message with us about the Savior and Easter before they left. Somehow, in the middle of all that, I managed to do a four credit hour live online webinar. After dinner everyone but the Elders went to Jon and Cathy's hotel to swim
in he pool. It was a crazy but productive and spiritual day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it was a productive and spiritual day as we enjoyed family interaction. Kudos to Nate
