March 31, 2017

3/31/17 Business Lunch

This morning it was time to go and check on Big Foot. The good news is that she started right up. The other good news is that we found the service records Papa was looking for.
After our visit with Gram and Papa Heidi and I had a business lunch with Michael and Jessica Hallsted. We had a good visit. We talked family, shop and General Conference ideas to help kids.

This afternoon Heidi and Peter took a well earned nap.
I got to go out on a visit with the Elders to Sister Waynette.

Heidi snapped this cute shot of Rebecca and Peter. Rebecca said that Peter was her "shoulder angel". Nothing makes me happier as a parent than to see my children loving each other.

1 comment:

  1. Mahalo to Valiant Search and Rescue for thoroughly examining Bigfoot. We now can be sure of where the docs are not
