November 25, 2017

11/22/17 Mesa Polar Bear Plunge

The water in our pool is chilly. We haven't measured but my legs start to go numb after a few minutes standing in it up to my ankles. Macy went down the slide but stopped herself before going in.

Carson, on the other hand, was all in.

And it was cold.

Amanda was brave and took a turn.

David took a flying leap into the pool.

Joseph got in and quickly got out.

Although the water was cold it was still 89 degrees outside. We found other ways to play in the water.

I saw this trick online. The kids had a lot of fun with it.

Macy fit right in with Rebecca and Sarah and Joseph.

1 comment:

  1. The Reynolds looked forward to using our pool. Ganon had warned them of the temperature but they tried for themselves and found Uncle G was right and was prepared for fun alternative poolside activities
