January 17, 2018

1/17/18 Cub Scouts and a Scuffed Knee

This morning Sarah still had a fever that Heidi noticed last night. She stayed home and made Peter very happy. This allowed Heidi and I to get some much-needed work done. I also managed to renew my Youth Protection training for scouts. This afternoon Heidi and I went to Cub Scouts. The boys are a lot of fun and high energy. We're still working on teaching them to channel that energy. Heidi had them each draw a patch for a contest for the upcoming Mesa District Pinewood Derby. This only held their attention for so long. For a more active activity, we played ultimate frisbee in the Cultural Hall. Since this is Cub Scouts, we need to have a purpose with our fun. We had the boys work on a Duty to God requirement. When they got the frisbee, before they could throw it, they needed to say something they can do to practice their faith. It was loads of fun and was hopefully educational. I learned that I am too old and heavy to slide for the frisbee. I put a hole in my pants and my knee. Luckily no real bleeding just felt pretty silly. I'm glad that the boys seemed to have a good time.

1 comment:

  1. We're proud of you sacrificing your body for the cause (old man)
