March 14, 2016

3/13/16 Most of Us Make it to Church

     A couple of pics from our tire stop yesterday. Sarah and Peter up top. TJ and Joseph in the other. 

     This morning David had an upset stomach and we decided, out of an abundance of caution, that he should stay home today. Heidi stayed with him during sacrament since I had been asked to give the closing prayer. Then we traded places so Heidi could help with primary. It is nice that my tech assistant Mike Sagnimeni is up to speed. He was able to handle the tech needs so I could take care of my family today. 
     At home David and I managed to index a batch of names from Family Search. It felt good to be able to do some service even though we couldn't be at church. 
      This afternoon Heidi got set apart in her new calling as the 2nd Counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency. She also got approval to do Philmont training for Cub Scouts in New Mexico. She has been wishing to do this training ever since she did Woodbadge. I'm proud of her for her dedication to serve and to learn. She lifts me up with her example. 

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