March 18, 2016

3/18/16 Visits with Family

     This morning we got to have a nice visit with Gram, Papa and Becca B. TJ walked straight up to Papa and asked where Gram was. Papa sent him on to see her in their room. The kids feel very welcomed and loved at their grandparent's home. Another said he was hungry and Papa kindly shared a snack with the kiddos (and me). Papa is still not all the way better from his illness but he was able to go to the store and the dishes were mostly done. I helped a little but if the dishes are any sign they are doing better. 
     Gram shared her family history experiences and Papa updated us on BYU sports. One kind neighbor shared a box of Star Wars fruit snacks with us. Those were a big help with Peter on the drive home. 
     This afternoon we headed over to Heather's house. Heidi wanted to help her get ready for the yard sale she is planning for tomorrow. TJ went to the Hallsted's to play with his friend Andrew. I picked him up at 5 and he helped me pick up the pizza for dinner. 
     Peter and I had fun watching the airplanes pass by overhead. We seem to be right under the flight path for many planes every day. It was fun to see the wonder on Peter's face as the planes flew by. 

1 comment:

  1. Your family visits are most welcome. The kids especially bouyed Grams spirits.
