March 24, 2016

3/23/16 Gram and Papa and a Tech Meeting

     Heidi took this fun picture of Peter when she got him back to sleep after he woke up prematurely from his nap. We're all happier when we get enough sleep. 
     This morning Heidi and Peter and I got to visit with my folks and Becca B. We did lunch at Costco. It was good to see them doing so well after being sick the past couple of weeks. 
     This evening Heidi and I went to a meeting for my Technology calling. We did a little dinner for the tech team and spouses. The goal was to get to know each other better and to get prepared for Stake Conference. I think the meeting was successful. The new team consists of Jae Heiner (wife Lillis), Mark Davey (wife Kristi), Mike Sagnimeni (wife Julie), Bob Rhyne (wife Gerlene) and of course me and Heidi. It's a good team. We may get one more member ahead of stake conference. That will be nice as there is much that can be done. 

1 comment:

  1. You don't remember the time there was no tech teams and very little tech(#darkages)
