October 30, 2016

10/30/16 Primary Program

      Today the Primary aged children sang song and shared messages about the Savior and the scriptures during Sacrament Meeting. Rebecca, Sarah, TJ and Joseph all had speaking parts that they memorized. They all spoke clearly into the microphone so that people in the audience could understand. We are so proud of them. Heidi sat on the stand and assisted with the microphones and with encouraging the kids to stay reverent. David and Peter and I sat in the congregation. David kindly escorted Peter to the drinking fountain as needed so that I could stay and watch. We had the added treat that Gram, Papa and Becca B were able to come as well. 
      During the rest of church there was quite a bit to do. Bishop Christensen asked me to help play back several videos as part of the third hour lesson. There were a few glitches to work through but I think the message came through. We need to continue to work together as a ward to make everyone feel loved and welcome. 
        This afternoon Jim Nelson and Greg Turley, our home teachers, came by for a visit. We appreciate the spirit they bring into our home. 

1 comment:

  1. We were glad to have come to the program. A fun behind-the-scenes story. While waiting for Gramma, TJ and Joeseph came by. TJ with his sparkling smile said "I get to sing in the the program! And I have a part to say." I asked if he he had his part memorized. "Yes" Big smile. I turned to Joseph and asked if he had a part. Typically Joseph didn't answer. So his brother TJ answered "he has a part and he has it memorized. But it's real short" Later in the program we heard his part, and TJ, Sarah and Rebecca's parts--all memorized (#proudgrandparents). And watching enthusiastic TJ sing was worth the price of admission
