February 17, 2017

2/12/17 Cultivating Optimism

Today the Priesthood/Relief Society lesson was from the President Hinkley manual. It was entitled "Cultivating an Attitude of Happiness and a Spirit of Optimism". During the lesson I realized that I am very optimistic about certain things, like media events, but not as much so about other things. I wonder if that's because I have so much experience with media. Things almost always go wrong at media events but that is why we have back up gear in place. It is a rare event indeed where the main equipment and the backup both fail.
I wonder if there isn't a lesson for me somewhere in this. Perhaps if I planned some redundancy into other parts of my life I would start feeling more optimistic there too. That's an interesting notion to me that an optimist can expect setbacks but also ultimately to be successful.

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a great lesson for all of us in every part of our lives
