February 26, 2017

2/24/17 Helping Out

This morning Heidi, David, Joseph, Peter and I headed over to Gram and Papa's to help out. Along the way we picked up a doorknob for the Valiant Accounting office and drove past a possible house. At 430 Heidi prepped new tennis balls for the Saturn tow connectors.

Heidi also fixed one of the hanging blinds.

David gave Gram's scooter a workout. He took the little boys to see the rose garden. Becca B rode along on her three wheeled bike. David took his mom's phone, just in case. They went and came back just fine.
I worked with Gram on how to record from her top DVD player to her DVD recorder. Papa helped us document the instructions for later review. We'll have to wait for the report to see how well the instructions work.
After lunch Heidi installed the new doorknob at the office. She let me help by screwing in a few screws. Now the office can be locked and Michael can feel comfortable leaving some things at the office when he's not there. I stayed and did some work until 5. I'll have to admit, it was fairly productive. I still prefer working at home but I plan to keep regular office hours, at least for a while. I'm hoping it'll lead to new business and not just increased productivity.

One of my highlights today was when I went to the Redbox to rent a movie. I was getting ready to bike by myself when Joseph asked to come along. He happily found his shoes and hoodie and was a good travel companion. He helped carry back The Secret Life of Pets for us. Quick review, funnier than expected but it's no Pixar flick. The kids liked it well enough, except Joseph who found it to scary. Probably not on the buy list.

1 comment:

  1. It's always a blessing when Heidi puts her shoulder to the wheel of a problem
