February 7, 2017

2/7/17 To Raise a Smart Child

This morning Peter was watching videos on the computer. We've gotten into the habit of disconnecting the keyboard so that he doesn't delete things or turn up the volume too loud etc. today before my eyes I watched Peter grab the loose cable and reconnect it in the correct place. He is picking up on these things quickly.
Tonight Heidi and I went over to our friends house and helped them set up their new TV. They have a daughter at home who is around Heidi's age. Thankfully she was there and knew her technology. She knew the passwords to the wifi network and the online video service. I can tell her folks will count on her to help them learn the ins and out of the fancy set.
Starting tonight Anthony, Lauren and Bradley are staying with us while Heather travels for work. After scripture reading I got to help Anthony with his Spanish and Math home work. It was fun to be able to review both topics.

1 comment:

  1. Peter seems to have inherited the Tech Support genes--maybe a mixed blessing?
