This morning, bright and early, we dropped off David to go with the Youth and Bishopric to the Randolph House. It is a home for people with special needs. Wards around the valley take turns leading Sacrament meeting for the residents. It takes an hour to get there from here and that allowed David time to meet and get to know some of the boys his age. He reported enjoying his time meeting the residents. One came in and immediately started singing "I am a child of God". David said that you couldn't understand any words but the melody was clear. He seemed to have a good experience.
While David made the trek to the Randolph House the rest of us attended the Emerald Acres Ward for the first time. Heidi and I came for Sacrament meeting once but couldn't stay for the other meetings. The High Priest group leader Brother Gailen conducted. He started with a warm "Aloha!" Papa reports that it felt like they had "come home". The ward members are very friendly. I spoke to a couple of brothers in Spanish. Denver Porter (Liz Porter, from our last ward's son) welcomed me into the ward. Abram Ellsworth, the Elder's Quorum President was also very welcoming.
In High Priest's meeting they asked for a volunteer to take the sacrament to a brother in the hospital. Dad and I both raised our hands. Brother Gaelen picked Brother Johnson and me. It was good that he picked a brother who knew him. I can only remember that the Brother's name started with a "D". He still holds the record for most points scored in a basketball season at ASU. He jokingly referred to it as "least assists in a season". He later went on to become a judge. I think he's retired now but I'm not completely sure. Hopefully he'll be well enough to attend meetings again in a week or two.

In the afternoon we held our first "extended family council". One thing on Papa's list was to hang Great Grandpa Connelly's flag for Memorial Day.

Heidi was instrumental in this process.

We tried a couple of different places to hang the flag that would be appropriate for its length.

After a while in the Arizona heat Papa and I were ready to try again for the next holiday.

We even folded up the flag.

Heidi was not so easily deterred. She found a tool and a chair and a place where the flag fit nicely. We hope Great Grandpa Connelly knows we are thinking of him.