Today Gram, Papa and Heidi and I officially became co-owners of a home (with keys and everything). Gram is holding the keys in her hand.

Diane Byrne wins the award as the most patient and long suffering real estate agent ever. After going through the process with three houses and showing us countless others she has to be almost as relieved as we are to finally be done.

This morning I heard TJ yell "group hug". Joseph and Peter were ready to heed the call. Sarah joined a moment later.

Heidi got this fun shot of Peter and Joseph trying to fit in a monitor box.

We did not have our first official swim today. I told the kids if they "accidentally" got wet we'd still take them home with us.

Rebecca had no trouble understanding my meaning.
We wish to participate in a significant thank-you gift for Diane who worked tirelessly, professionally and cheerfully on our behalf on this often discouraging quest for nearly five months (and never changed her phone number)