Today was the day that Rebecca and her classmates got to give their state reports. After school we parents got to go and hear the reports for ourselves. Rebecca has been working on her report and her poster for weeks. She now knows many interesting facts about Arkansas. My favorite, the I learned from Rebecca, is that it is illegal to mispronounce the state name in Arkansas.

While Heidi and I were there we saw several other kids we knew. Here is Bradley with his Alaska poster. He was more than happy to tell us all about the state he studied. We are proud of the hard work the kids put in.
This evening we baked some oatmeal cookies and went to meet some of our new neighbors. We met Laura and David Pew on the south corner across the way. David is also a CPA. We also met Marlène Thompson, our neighbor directly to the South her husband is the ward clerk of their ward. It turns out our new house is at the border of our Stake. Both wards have a Snepf brother as their bishop. Two doors North of us we met Taylor and Emily Charade (sp?) and their 15 month old girl. They are house sitting for one of their parents who are on a mission in the D.C. Area. What a small world. It's the next door mission to Heidi's parents. Anyhow, there are still many neighbors to meet but the ones we met are very friendly.
Glad you met some new neighbors but sad we couldn't be with you