May 19, 2017

5/18/17 School Programs

On Tuesday Entz hosted a "Muffins with Mrs." activity. Moms got to come to school with their kids and have a muffin. Simple and the kids seemed to really enjoy it.

Yesterday Sarah's class had their Rainforest program. They sang a bunch of songs. Sarah made a butterfly puppet (with help from her mom). Heidi got to attend this one.

In Rebecca's GTP class she made a fun computer game. You attempt to navigate a maze while avoiding obstacles. If you hit one you get sent back to the building. It's surprisingly fun.

TJ's 1st grade program.

They sang songs about taking care of the world. TJ helped with the ocean prop during a song which names all the oceans.

TJ colored his own tshirt as well.

Sarah's scale model of a Tanzanian devil zoo enclosure. Her GTP class did research on their animals to know about their needs. Then they learned about how to scale things so that the display objects are accurately sized relative to each other. Mrs Mcgee encouraged us parents to quiz the kids to see what they knew. I was impressed by how much thought went into this project.
This afternoon and evening we took two more van loads to the new house. There is still lots to do.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these fun pics of the activities of these great kids❗️
