This Mother's Day we took advantage of technology and video chatted with Heidi's Mom.

It's amazing to be able to see and hear someone in realtime who is 6 days drive across the country.

The kids got super excited and got a little carried away trying to make Grammie laugh. Here they are making pretend ducks with their hands.

Here is TJ joining the fun while sitting on my lap.
I also had a nice call with my mother. By that time we decided the kids might be too hyper for another call. We did get a bonus visit from Gram and Papa. Papa found Heidi's power cord for her laptop in his trunk. They were kind enough to bring it to us after they finished church. We are fortunate to have two such wonderful mothers in our lives. They are both examples of kindness and service.
Mom is still smiling about the phone calls yesterday from you and her other children. Thank you for brightening her day and her life