A couple of weeks ago Heidi spotted an unusual item online that looked like it was made just for Gram. We ordered it right then but it took until today for us to be able to give it to her. It is a special handle to help her get into and out of the car easier.

Here is Gram demonstrating where the part goes. I am wont to paraphrase Winnie the Pooh "she goes in and out like anything". She seemed to enjoy out little gift and we are very pleased to see her sweet smile.

This afternoon TJ, Sarah and Joseph had an ice cream thank you party with the Primary over at the church. Above is TJ with his ice cream.

Joseph appears lost in thought.

Sarah really enjoyed the chocolate toppings.
We had a bit of an added adventure when the van wouldn't start. Someone had turned the headlines from "auto" to "on". Happily Jessica Hallsted let me use her truck to jump the van. Brother Smith helped me connect the cables. I was a little stressed because I was worried Sarah would be late for piano lessons. Rebecca had also earned some ice cream but, very bravely and kindly, she agreed to stay home and do her lessons first. We had some ice cream for her and it was quickly melting in the van. Brother Smith commented that while we often wish we could avoid trials like this, without them the story of our lives would be pretty boring. So I am grateful for the little extra spice Heavenly Father put into our story today. I am also grateful for two kind souls who helped me through what would have otherwise been a real pickle.
Gramma is very grateful for the thoughtful and useful gift. She has used it every time she "goes in and out". Sorry for dead battery. Seldom happens at a convenient time. But it's a blessing to have friends to help